Why Us

  1. Best quality assured
    We assure a 2.1 quality for each and every project when you use our services.
  2. Unbeatable review process
    Our Three tier quality process ensures that review of each project is carried out at three levels by experienced professionals.
  3. 24 x 7 Customer service
    We know your pressure in academic activities. So we are always available to you even on Sundays. You can contact us at anytime, from anywhere in the world. We will be there to help you. You can call, mail or chat with us at anytime.
  4. Plagiarism free projects
    Each project is scanned using Turnitin. This ensures that your work is free from plagiarism to the minute extent.
  5. Professionalism
    ClassmateWriter is a well-managed and trusted company run by a group of professionals from various fields. We strive for professionalism in whatever we do.
  6. Our SMEs
    Your project is carried out by our highly paid native English speaking Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) selected through our rigorous selection process.
  7. Money back and refund policy
    Our simple and transparent money back policy ensures that we are with you if anything goes wrong.
  8. Unlimited amendments
    We offer unlimited amendments which ensure that you are getting what you want.